New Hampshire Child Support Enforcement and Collection Information

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is responsible for the Division of Child Support Services.
Mission Statement
To join communities and families in providing opportunities for citizens to achieve health and independence
Child Support Responsibilities
- To meet the basic human needs of New Hampshire citizens: The Department has a responsibility to provide financial, medical and emergency assistance and employment support services to those in need, in order to assist individuals in reaching self-sufficiency.
- To provide treatment and support services to those who have unique needs including disabilities, mental illness, special health care needs or substance abuse problems: The Department has a responsibility to ensure access to quality community-based services for eligible individuals.
- To protect and care for New Hampshire's most vulnerable citizens: The Department has a special responsibility to support those who, due to age, disability or circumstance, are at risk and in need of protection.
Child Support Services Available:
- Locates the parent responsible for providing child support
- Establishes paternity (legal fatherhood) if necessary
- Establishes child support orders through NH courts
- Medical support orders if available at a reasonable cost
- Enforces legal orders
- Disburses financial support collected on behalf of the children in a child support case.
- Works with other states to establish and enforce child support orders when the non-custodial parent (parent not living in the home) does not live in NH
- Works with child support agencies in other states to perform the same services listed above through its specialized unit called the Interstate Child Support Unit
- Reviews Child Support Orders to determine if the amount is appropriate for both parties
Child Support Contact Information:
Mailing Address
Division of Child Support Services
NH Department of Health & Human Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 0330
Telephone (603) 271-4427
Toll Free Number (800) 852-3345, ext. 4427
Voice Response (800) 371-8844
NH Debit Card (877) 246-1311
TDD Access Relay (800) 735-2964
Central Registry (603) 271-5192
Customer Service (603) 271-4427
Interstate Services (603) 271-4431
There are 12 child support district offices in New Hampshire
Child Support Calculator and Links

New Hampshire Child Support Enforcement
New Hampshire Child Support Forms
Free New Hampshire Child Support Calculator
This information has been compiled directly from the most recently available child support enforcement information. Every effort has been made to assure that this information is correct and complete. Be aware that laws frequently change. Do not take any action based on this information without first consulting an attorney to be certain that the laws pertaining to your particular situation have not changed.
The language used in most cases on this page is legal terminology taken directly from the statutes and laws of each state. The terminology is not always easy to understand. If you are not sure of something you should consult an attorney so that you can fully understand the meaning of the laws.