Texas Child Support Enforcement and Collection Information
The Texas Child Support Division is overseen by the Office of the Attorney General
Child Support Division Mission Statement
The Attorney General's Child Support Division has a responsibility to assist parents in obtaining the financial support necessary for children to grow up and succeed in life. To encourage parental responsibility, the Attorney General establishes paternity of children, establishes court orders for financial and medical support and vigorously enforces support orders. The Attorney General promotes the emotional involvement of both parents in the life of the child by working with community groups, schools and hospitals. Attorney General employees will perform their duties in an efficient manner to minimize taxpayer expense and in a friendly fashion to maximize customer satisfaction.
All activities conducted within the Child Support Division, whether projects or ongoing functions, are designed to support the priorities of Children, Collections and Customer services.

Child Support Services Offered:
- Locating the absent parent
- Establishing paternity
- Establishing and enforcing child support orders
- Collecting and distributing child support payments
- Reviewing and adjusting child support payments
- Establishing and enforcing medical support orders
Child Support Contact Information:
Automated payment and case information: (800) 252-8014
For Acknowledgment of Paternity questions, please call 1-866-255-2006
Child Support Division
P.O. Box 12017
Austin, TX 78711-2017
Local Texas child support offices
Child Support Calcualtor and Links

Texas Child Support Enforcement
Texas Child Support Forms
Visit our online Texas Child Support Calculator
This information has been compiled directly from the most recently available child support enforcement information. Every effort has been made to assure that this information is correct and complete. Be aware that laws frequently change. Do not take any action based on this information without first consulting an attorney to be certain that the laws pertaining to your particular situation have not changed.
The language used in most cases on this page is legal terminology taken directly from the statutes and laws of each state. The terminology is not always easy to understand. If you are not sure of something you should consult an attorney so that you can fully understand the meaning of the laws.